
A Few Vegetable Suggestions for the Garden

Yesterday I asked people what varieties of vegetables they would recommend from their own experiences.  My goal is to add a few new vegetables each year just to try something new.  Some vegetables are tried and true and will always be in my garden but there are so many types of vegetables out there that I know I will never get to sample them all.  That's why I asked one of the best resources available to all gardeners, other gardeners!

Here's what the gardeners said:

TC (The Write Gardener)
I have a couple of suggestions for ya; sweet corn - 'Bodacious,' and heirloom tomato - 'Hillbilly' or 'Green Zebra.' If you like sweet corn, and who doesn't, Bodacious is bodaciously sweet! And those two heirloom tomato varieties are delicious also. Neither are as sweet as other varieties, but I don't always like a sweet tomato for sandwich makin. If you want a sugary sweet cherry tomato variety, 'Sun Gold' is tops.
Heather (Idaho Small Goat Garden)

Maestro peas (Park Seeds) were wonderful and high yield. I plan to plant 10x more this year, they froze well and ate even better. This year I will try Green Arrow. Last year I also tried the Blondie variety and the very dense growth habit made it difficult to harvest.

Tina (In the Garden)

I like the Bradley for their taste the best.

Frances (Fairegarden)
I can only suggest the eight ball squash. I love the size and shape and the taste was great.
Tim (A Chef in the Garden)
The San Marzano was awesome, as were the German Red Strawberry Tomato and the Dr. Carolyn Yellow Cherry Tomato.

David (The Door Garden)
I'm trying stevia this year - an herb which is a natural zero calorie sweetener many times sweeter than sugar. If it works out I might make some herbal tea mixes with it. Naturally sweetened blackberry mint sound good?

Randy (Randy and Meg's Garden Paradise)
Ever try patty pan squash, we are trying Flying Saucer this year. The best cukes I've had were Lemon Cucumbers. My favorite tomato is Cherokee Purple, that are the best eating summer tomato.
 Anna (Flowergarden Girl)

I grow Better Boy tomatoes and Crimson Sweet Watermelons always. I prefer Silver Queen corn.