
Garden Blogger's Bloom Day - February 2012

This Garden Blogger's Bloom Day finds the gardens covered in snow. There are signs of life starting to show in the gardens. Daffodils and tulips are starting to grow and are between two to three inches high.

The gardens look like a winter wonderland. I have spent most of the winter working on the gardens when the weather permits and the other days finishing a house remodel. Never a dull moment!

The garden fairy looks a little bit cold lying in the snow. Soon she will be lying in a bed of ostrich ferns.

The Witch Hazels are now starting to show the first color and blooms in the garden. I love this shrub in the garden because it is the first plant to start blooming and it does well in the snow.

Witch Hazel in yellow

Witch Hazel in orange

The greenhouse continues to provide lots of blooms in begonias and geraniums. Inside the house, the orchids are still blooming and a few have set new buds. I am looking forward to next month when the gardens should start to provide a little bit more in blooms for Garden Blogger's Bloom Day.

Happy Gardening!

The Creative Gardener

If you like hostas check out my other blog - "Discovering Hostas with the Creative Gardener" at http://discoveringhostaswiththecreativegarde.blogspot.com/