
Love Hostas? - Then You Will Love "The Hostapedia"

Normally I do not write on books, but The Hostapedia by Mark R. Zilis has become the most used book in my gardening library (and it is starting to look the part). I grow hostas and I have been learning how to hybridize them. I purchased this book for many reasons. The main reason being to learn more information on each individual hosta that grows in my garden. The Hostapedia contains over 7,400 informational descriptions of hostas all listed in alphabetical order. I have not found a hosta in my garden, customer's gardens or the local nurseries that were not in this book. The book contains growing information from starting from seed to the mature plant. The information on hybridizing has been excellent for someone like myself, who is learning. The Hostapedia includes information on developing new hostas, patents, trademarks, breeder rights and how to register that new hosta plant. Did I mention photos? The Hostapedia has over 1,897 colored photos and has helped in identifying my plants along with increasing my wish list for new plants. The Hostapedia is a great reference book and with all that information, it is also a HEAVY book (1,125 pages). If you are looking for a new book to add to your gardening library, I would suggest adding The Hostapedia by Mark R. Zilis.

Happy Gardening!

The Creative Gardener

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