
Propagating Plants for Your Landscape

Here is a list of topics about propagating plants for your home landscape. The first three posts have some important information on propagating plants while the individual plant posts offer information about propagating the plant in question as well as my own experiences with them. Enjoy!

Propagating Plants: The Basics of Cuttings

What in the World are Plant Patents?

10 Easy Plants to Propagate for Your Home Garden

Shrubs and Trees Perennials and Annuals
Birch Tree (Betula nigra) from cuttings

Caryopteris (Blue Mist Shrub)

Crape Myrtle Propagation by Cuttings

Red Twig Dogwood

Beautyberry from Cuttings

Dwarf English Laurel

Pyracanthus Augustifolia

Japanese Dappled Willow (Salix integra) Cuttings Water Method

Butterfly Bush Cuttings Making Progress

Adventures on a Warm Winter Day
(Progress report on Butterfly Bush Cuttings)

Holly Cuttings

Hydrangeas: Variegated (macrophylla), Update

Hydrangeas: Oak Leaf (Hydrangea quercifolia)
Hydrangeas: More on Oak Leaf Hydrangea

Burning Bush (Euonymous alata)

Purple Leaf Plum Propagation

Densiformis Yew

Leyland Cypress

Viburnum Cuttings

Viburnum, Arrowwood (Viburnum dentatum)

Russian Sage Cuttings (Plant Propagation Update)

Coleus Cuttings

5 Days 4 Catmints (Nepeta faassinii)

Propagating Perennials: Russian Sage, Salvia, and Coneflower

Asiatic Lily Propagation

Artemsia 'Powis Castle'

Persian Shield (Strobinlanthus dyerianus)

Basil Propagation

Plant Propagation for Home Gardens