
Some Self Sowers! (Seed Sowing Saturday)

I really like plants that decide to take the work away from the gardener and sow their own seeds! Of course even the best plant that self sows could technically become a weed if planted in the wrong place, but since most are easily moved I really don't mind.  Today's Seed Sowing Saturday post is all about the self sowing plants coming up in my garden.

These rubeckia seedlings can be very prolific! As they take over the birdbath garden I'll thin them and move them to new homes.

Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea) is also a prolific self-sower for my garden. In my opinion - you can never have enough coneflowers! My daughter and I moved 5-6 coneflowers to our front garden this week to help fill out a newer garden area.

Poppies are another very cool self sowing plant. You can spread them around a little by collecting the seed after they form their nifty little seed capsules. This year promises to be a big one for the poppies in our self sowing garden!

My golden ragwort is a good self sower too.  Gail from Clay and Limestone gave us the ragwort! It has some beautiful golden flowers in the late spring.

Hollyhocks are easy self sowers. This one germinated last year a little too close to the front sidewalk. After it blooms I'll remove it out since hollyhock is a biennial.

Now I need your help. Can you identify this seedling? I forgot what I planted in the self sowing garden!

Any ideas?

I think (Freda) Cameron hit the nail on the head with her ID of my seedling - larkspur!

To join in on Seed Sowing Saturday just link back to this post and tell us about your seed sowing experiences over the past week. Be sure to leave a link below so we can come over and visit your post! Oh, and a Tweet or a Facebook mention/like is always a good thing! Happy Seed Sowing!

Don't forget to go visit this week's seed sowers!