
The American Gardener

I just received my copy of the The American Gardener for January and February and by skimming the table of contents I can see some interesting articles. The magazine is the American Horticultural Society's bimonthly magazine which you receive with your membership to the AHS. The magazine has great articles for those who enjoy horticulture in its many forms. If you aren't a member go check it out here: American Horticultural Society.

Here is what is in this month's issue :

In Plants with Promise Rita Pelczar discusses some new plants for this year. That is always an interesting subject!

Ray Rogers talks about coleus in Coleus's Comeback.

Conifer Heaven in the Heartland by Marty Ross introduces us to Marvin Snyder's conifer collection in Kansas.

Heirloom tomatoes are the subject of Flavors from the Past by Kris Wetherbee.

Wonderful Walkways talks about designing complimentary plant beds for the walkways of your home.

Each issue also includes lists of regional events, interviews with various people and a plethora of useful information!

I think I have some reading to do!