
The Birdbath Garden: March Update

This past weekend was a big work weekend for me.  Not only did I tackled the paths on the garden but I had a couple other projects in mind to accomplish.  One of which was our Birdbath Garden expansion.  This project is also a small memorial garden for our cat Amber who passed away in December.

This is how the birdbath garden started. It began with a small copper birdbath that I attached to a 4"x4" post that came from an old wooden palette. I stained the 4"x4" with a cedar stain to improve it's color.   Afterward I planted a few reliable plants like coneflowers, irises, and coreopsis.  The irises came from my parent's house and the coreopsis from seed I gathered at my in-laws house.

This is how the garden looked in June of 2008. I added salvias, miscanthus, mums, and a butterfly bush to the mix.  The butterfly bush became a bird favorite for the shelter it provided.  I think I add salvias to almost every garden area, I just can't get enough salvia!

By July I had added a natural stone border to define the boundaries between the garden and the yard. A purple leaf plum was added but I later removed it as the deer seemed to like it too much. It's now in a location by the road where I'm hoping the deer don't find it.

Later in the season I found a viburnum and added it to the garden.  This little spot just keeps growing larger and larger. This picture was taken in the fall and you can see the mums blooming around the edges.  The coreopsis faded too quickly since I let it go to seed way too early. You can keep them going all summer if you deadhead properly. There is also an 'Appalachian Spring' dogwood on the other side of the garden that we added. 'Appalachian Spring' was developed at the University of Tennessee and is the most anthracnose resistant variety of dogwood bred so far. Too bad it's not deer proof.

Here's what it looks like now. It's not complete by any means but it is well on it's way.

I added a simple bench area. The seats for the bench haven't been added yet but they will be soon.  I'm using reclaimed wood from an old deck to make the seats. In fact I also used the same reclaimed deck wood to create an edging for the gravel area to help keep the stones contained. Behind the seat is a rock border made form natural stone we gathered.  We need to collect more stone to complete the border all away around the new section.

Here's another angle on the bench area. I cleared out the grass in the gravel area then covered with newspapers and landscape fabric. I topped the fabric with a combination of small round stones and pea gravel.  The stumps came from a tree cutting project at my in-laws house last fall. 
When you look at the garden from this angle you can see how large the new section is. Lot's of room for planting!
At the end of the garden on the left there is a little witch hazel that was given away last year at the Bloom 'N Garden Expo. The deer grazed on it last year but I'll let it go for now until I'm sure it won't make it. It will be fun to see this new area grow throughout 2009!

What still needs done:
  • Planting
  • Finish the bench
  • Add the stone border