
The Home Garden Weekend Update

This week finally brought us some nice temperatures, or at least nicer temperatures. We're still a little under the normal highs for February and will most likely drop down again next week but the warmer weather is definitely something to brighten the spirits. Not only that it also improves the frequency of garden activities!

Sunday February 14th

Valentines Day Found me talking about 5 New Things to Add to My Garden. You can look back at it if you would like to see some ideas I hope to get to this season but also check out the blogs who completed their assignment to talk about the same subject! You still have another week to talk about it on your blog if you are interested!

Completed Assignments:

Monday February 15th
Bloom Day found my collection of blooms sorely lacking except for the indoor plants, but they count too don't they? I'm a definite outdoor gardener who tends to ignore the indoors when it comes to plants.

Later that day I posted a garden layout for the landscape around my greenhouse shed project.

Tuesday February 16th
My vegetable seeds were finally planted. I'm already seeing germination of Dark Opal Basil and a few tomatoes. I'll update on their progress next week when a few more have decided to emerge from their shells.

Wednesday February 17th
Love it or hate it liriope was the subject of the day along with its use in the garden.

Thursday February 18th
Shadow Play was my entry for the Gardening Gone Wild Photo Contest and the First Outdoor Bloom of February 2010 found itself in my garden.

Friday February 19th
Do you garden in raised beds? I do and I built one more because I never have enough space!

Are you curious about Magic in the Garden? Several bloggers joined in on this Sunday Assignment go check them out!

 Who Has Magic in their Gardens?