
The Vegetable Garden in January

What can I say really? It's January and my vegetable garden is awfully sad. The winter air has been colder than Tennessee cold should be.  If I were by myself I might be brave enough to get outdoors but bringing my almost 7 month old son outdoors during the day really isn't an option. He'll get his fill of gardening for sure but not in 30 degree weather. Needless to say many projects that I would love to have tackled already are going to require some patience.

Take for instance the tomato beds from 2010:

Here's how they appeared last June.

And now here they are in desperate need of cleanup. Quite the change isn't it?

Or one of my small raised beds in desperate need to henbit eradication.

One project I really want to get going is the vegetable garden remodel, maybe I can in February. You can see some of the stone ready to go for the center circle bed. I really can't wait to get out there and start moving dirt!

There isn't much to show in the garden right now. Some garlic, some strawberries, and some cilantro. One of these days I'll get around to building that hoop house to keep year round spinach. Maybe in 2011?

A little cleanup, a little remodeling and a little weeding - I just wish I could get outdoors! 

Please - NO MORE SNOW!