
What Plant(s) Are You Looking Forward to Planting in 2008?

What plant or plants are you looking forward to planting this year? Do you have something new or is there something you planted last year that did really well and you want to try again?

Our planting season last spring was almost entirely a bust due to our need to rehab our house. The carpets needed replaced, everything needed painted, and we put in hardwood floors. It was a former foreclosure house that we bought for a good value. We spent March, April and the beginning of May working on the house and consequently the yard only received enough attention to get a mowing. Even the mowing didn't happen for a while since we needed to get a riding lawnmower. This year I'm looking forward to planting quite a few things.

One of the first things I'll get into the ground this year will be a nice Yoshino Cherry tree. To me they are the perfect ornamental tree. They're smaller in stature than many trees but have a great form and wonderful flowers in the spring. I've got the perfect place for it in the front yard. I also want to get two more maples to frame an area in the backyard. Red maples or sugar maples would be my preference.

I'm also looking forward to planting the Catmint and Salvia. Since it will be our first year with our raised beds I'm eagerly anticipating those veggies. I have four red-twig dogwoods that have been successfully propagated from cuttings that I want to get into the ground. I may need to wait until fall when they are larger, but since they grow relatively quickly they may do fine.

You can call me crazy if you want but I'm also looking forward to finding those mid-summer discount plants that the big-box stores try to get rid of that only need a minimal amount of maintenance to restore. Let's see, how many more viburnums can I get for my yard...

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