
You know it's spring when...

While the calendar says it is spring there are some other indicators of the season. I'll name a few and you are welcome to add or comment on what you think some other signs of spring are!

You know it's spring when...
  • the smell of grass clippings from a recent mowing wafts through your yard on the wind.
  • the smell of onions wafts with the grass clippings!
  • the seed catalogs have slowed or stopped coming altogether.
  • the weather changes from hot to cold to hot to cold and back again, often in one day.
  • the seeds start sprouting up everywhere, usually where you don't want them!
  • the henbit is blooming, so is the chickweed, the dandelions, etc...
  • the big box home improvement stores start selling their plant merchandise, oh wait they started that in February!

Can you think of anything else? I'll add some of them to this list as you suggest them!

I'll be taking tomorrow off from blogging for Easter. I hope everyone has a great Easter Holiday! I saw this post yesterday on a blog called The Village Voice that I thought might be appropriate for tomorrow: 'Legend of the Dogwood.' Stuart at Gardening Tips'N'Ideas has another good post for Easter: Jesus: The Ultimate Gardener.