For now though you will have to enjoy our tulips in the front garden. I know we are. Our youngest gardening girl definitely seem impressed with the tulips.
But there's more in the front sidewalk garden like phlox and rocks.
When I think of springtime I think of phlox. They go well together don't you think?
Out in the wild cedar glades you may find mayapples. If you look underneath their umbrella like canopy you may find more to see.
Like budding flowers!
Near the mayapples there is another springtime wonder: Trillium. I don't know the variety but does it matter?
While the previous two plants were taken in the woods the next one appears in my in-law's garden. This white spirea is making a fine showing in early spring.
The irises are just beginning to break their buds.
Many of my garden flowers are late spring through summer bloomers so if you are craving more blooms go visit Carol at May Dreams Gardens for Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!