
Time to stand and stare

Experiencing the beauty of the moment is natural to a child. One of a child's greatest gifts to the parents is learning how to observe beauty in the world through the child's eyes. When I moved from the city to the country, in a wooded canyon, I prayed that I would never ignore the setting. My prayer was answered, even more now that I'm not involved in a high-stress career.

That leads me to this incredible story. "Joshua Bell is one of the world's greatest violinists. His instrument of choice is a multimillion-dollar Stradivarius. If he played it for spare change, incognito, outside a bustling Metro stop in Washington, would anyone notice?"

What is this life if, full of care,

We have no time to stand and stare.

-- from "Leisure," by W.H. Davies

Thank to Lucy for pointing me to the story.