So this year when I found my gaillardia I quickly snatched up two of them bought them and planted them...on the south side. They were long and leggy and quickly wilted in the hot sun. This was because the stems and leaves had outgrown what the roots in the small pot could sustain adequately. I did what any gardener should do in this circumstance - decapitation! I trimmed the leggy perennials about halfway down the stems and the result was no more wilting. A little pruning will also stimulate more foliar growth to make a bushier plant. Often with plants that have been on the shelf a while you have to find the balance point between roots and foliage. Small root systems just can't keep a full grown plant growing. Pretty soon the long and leggy gaillardia will become like the bushy and beautiful blanketflower from last summer!
'Oranges and Lemons' Gaillardia September 2008