These pictures were all taken in the heat of the day and so the leaves have curled just slightly as a defense against losing moisture. This is perfectly normal for most plants. It's when plants start the day off wilty that you need to be worried!
I can't say enough good things about switchgrass! Native, hardy, beautiful, and a great replacement for miscanthus. I have 5 varieties in my garden and I like them all! Here is 'Heavy metal' and below it you will see 'Shenandoah'. All switchgrasses can be propagated easily through division.
'Shenandoah' features reddish tinted foliage that really becomes bright and colorful in the fall.
'Powis Castle' is a non invasive variety of artemisia. It spreads only by layering which is easily controlled. In fact it is so easily controlled that in most cases you will probably plant the layered divisions in other areas of your garden. There are few plants that I will say are completely deer and rabbit resistant and this is one of them! They've never taken a nibble of our artemisia. It's also extremely drought tolerant!
Achillea is one of those plants that anyone can grow! It does spread but it's usually controllable. Bees and pollinators love it and with the ferny foliage you will too. Trim it back after the flowers have faded to encourage it to bloom again and again.
Native viburnums like this arrowwood viburnum do great in times of drought too. Soon the berries will turn blue and supply the birds with some important sustenance for the dry summer.
Another native shrub that does great is the witch hazel. Ours has never been very fragrant when blooming in the spring but does an excellent job as a small shrub in the landscape.
I hope that the weather is being kinder to you than it is to us!
To plant more natives in your garden do some research into Alan Armitage's Native Plants Book. It's a great resource! |