- Sucker those tomatoes! Removing the suckers focuses growth on the other stems which allows for larger fruiting.
- Pinch the tip growth on basil to keep a bushy plant growing. Every pinch of the leaves at the growing tip will send growth hormones down into the stems to encourage other branches to grow. (See more on growing basil here.)
- Sequentially plant squash and zucchini. My crop of zucchini has been nibbled on by deer. I've covered them but the damage was done and our crop will be delayed. Starting new seeds will ensure a second crop after the first one has succumbed to various insects or pests.
- Get the spaghetti and acorn squashes planted. Winter squashes are great squashes for storing and can last a couple months if stored right in a cool place.
- Pruning of many overgrown plants needs done. My viburnums have gotten very large and I've had to trim the arrowwood viburnum several times already just to maneuver around it. The long straight branches of the arrowwood viburnum makes pretty good stakes for small plants. I have some boxwoods that need pruned back as well but I've been waiting for the branches to mature enough for cuttings.
- Continue regular weeding. The days are getting hotter so early mornings and evenings become the preferred times for weeding.
- Irrigate as needed. We've had decent rains this June (when compared to last June - record heat and low rainfall) and irrigation of my vegetable garden hasn't been necessary but that could change at any time.
- Continue to propagate plants for the garden! I haven't done as much plant propagation this year as I have in the past but there are quite a few plants I want to propagate.
- Redo garden beds. There are several beds that need some major renovations including the one around the deck and the birdbath garden.
- Continue watching for pests in the vegetable garden.
- Harvest! Yellow squash has been coming along nicely and soon there will be tomatoes...I can't wait!
What's on your to-do list?