Here's a closeup of the variegated leaves. It has a creamy colored edging that sneaks inward toward the dark green heart of the leaf.

Can you guess what I did? Of course you could, it's in the title of this post. I took cuttings! I managed to limit myself to four suitable stem tip cuttings for rooting. Each cutting has at least 2 nodes along its stem not including the node with the top leaves, 3 nodes in all.

One of the challenges I faced with the hydrangea cuttings was transportation. I needed a way to keep them moist over the course of a few days. I couldn't root them while away from home so the solution was a plastic bag. By wrapping the cuttings in a moist paper towel I was able to keep the cuttings from drying out. I kept the cuttings indoors over the next couple days in a cool location until I was able to get to them. I took the cuttings on Saturday and rooted them Tuesday morning.

When I was ready to stick the cuttings I got my potting medium ready. It wasn't anything complicated, just plain old sterilized playground sand in a cleaned out plastic container.

Then I put some rooting hormone powder into an old yogurt cup. Cleaned out of course! I try to re-use what I don't recycle then recycle what I re-used. It's a good idea to use a cup like this then discard the hormone to prevent spreading possible diseases or contagions through the new cuttings.

Then it was time for a dip. I made sure that the cut ends of the hydrangea cuttings were damp by running them for a second under some water. Then I dipped them in the powder and shook off any excess.

Finally I stuck the cuttings into the sand and watered them. It may be unconventional but I don't put drainage holes in the sand containers, nor do I use misters. I've found that as long as I keep the sand damp, not soaking wet, that the cuttings do fine. This is probably because the sand is (or should be) completely sterile. If I monitor the moisture every couple days then I should have some newly rooted variegated hydrangeas in a couple weeks! Once these baby hydrangeas have rooted I'll give you a peak at their roots.

If you want more information on plant propagation check out The Basics of Cuttings.