There's a wood pile in front of the trees from another one that was cut down last week.
The tree on the left had no growth on it at all where the one on the right only had a few branches at the top green and lots of dead limbs.
This tree has been dead for several years now and was beginning to drop branches. The only sad part of the dead trees coming down was the unfortunate eviction of the bird in the tree's cavity.
Hopefully he will find a new home to nest in.
Here is the current state of the backyard. Three trees fallen down that will need trimmed and shredded or hauled away.
My father-in-law did the cutting while I observed and assisted. Mostly I just yelled "IT'S COMING DOWN!!" loud enough so he could get out of the way. I'll be busy tomorrow cutting the limbs down to appropriate sizes to fit into a shredder which will turn the fallen trees into mulch. Some of the log sections will be used for other projects and firewood. I'll bring two sections home with me for a future project of my own. I'll tell you about that one later, any guesses?