It took me a while to get around to it but I finally ordered one from Santa Rosa Gardens. (Thanks to the Grumpy Gardener for his recommendation!) They were having a clearance sale on their plants and I picked up one 'Mariesii Variegata' for $2.99, that's a price that's hard to beat! (After looking back at their site it seems they are now sold out - apparently I bought mine in the nick of time!)
What makes the variegated hydrangea so special? It's a matter of personal taste I guess but for me it's the variegation combined with the lacecap flowers. I like all hydrangeas but when comparing the lacecaps to the mophead hydrangeas (which are also Hydrangea macrophylla) the lacecaps win out every time! The variegation adds an element of interest when the plant isn't in bloom. No matter what kind of hydrangea you like they are worthwhile to plant in the garden if you have the right place for that right plant!
Variegated Hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla) 'Mariesii Variegata':
Where to plant hydrangeas:

How to Propagate Hydrangeas:
Stem tip cuttings, greenwood cuttings, and hardwood cuttings all root well.A little bit of irony: Exactly two years today was when I wrote the post on taking cuttings from the variegated hydrangea!