

Semi-annual ER Trip
Last night I was determined to get to bed at a reasonable hour, but at 8:30 Ricky came in the house from playing catch with his brother. Ricky was bent double, moaning and holding his nose. Yup, that bloody nose was already swelling and turning blue. His brother throws a mean fast ball. Luckily, Ricky slowed it a little with his glove before he stopped the ball with his nose. Off to the ER. It's not a good thing when you recognize the ER doctor. She thought for sure it was broken but the x-ray did not confirm it. We came home with a diagnosis of Nose Contusion. It looks better tonight, so he and his brother will be leaving in the morning for a three day trip with the youth group to Kings Island. I may let you know what hubby and I do while they are gone.