Yesterday we managed almost half an inch of rainfall. It's a good start but we could use more. It was a slow rain that had time to absorb into the soil as it fell rather than a rain that was washed away down gullies and streams. I think it may have been enough of a rain to encourage me to plant a few more things that I've been waiting on putting in the ground. My front porch has become a mini-nursery of sorts with all kinds of cuttings that I haven't planted yet. Mostly because of the convenient watering location but also due to time.
This weekend's garden chores:
- Harvest tomatoes, potatoes, and cucumbers from the garden
- Plant a few more plants grown from cuttings.
- Plant more squash and zucchini
- Continue weeding various gardens
- Deadhead spent flowers like coneflowers and coreopsis for a second burst of blooms
- Prune back artemisias and catmint
I've neglected the weekend update the last two Saturdays so it's time to get back in gear!
Monday July 5, 2010
- My Hiatus - One Special event drew me away from blogging for a few days. Come say hello to my son!
- Grow Project: Hangin' In There - Nasturtiums in the south can be a challenge.
Wednesday July 7, 2010
- 5 Garden Chores for July and the Summer Heat - 5 chores that I attempt to tackle in the intense heat of the summer.
Thursday July 8, 2010
- Reclaiming the Vegetable Garden - I finally rescued a few raised beds from the invading weeds.
- Sightings!