
Garden Blogger's Bloom Day - July 2012

This has been a very unusual year in the garden.  The year started out  with a early warm up and lots of rain.  The garden held promise of looking the best that it ever has looked.  Then came the start of what would be the year of the drought that is breaking weather records.  We have had one rain since the 1st of May.  My garden received a little rain, but more in high wind damage. I had lots of tree limbs down in the garden.
With the lack of rain and days where the temperatures have been in the hundreds the Sycamore trees have been shedding bark all over the garden.  The Buckeye trees are dropping their leaves early this year. It looks like fall in the garden rather than July.
 My arbor, pergola and a table were all damaged by tree limbs dropping on them.
We are now on a watering ban.  My garden is exempt from the ban due to the fact that I am on a well.  I am still watching how much water I am using in the garden and only watering those plants that need it the most and only enough to keep them alive for next year. Now on to what is still blooming in my garden.
This is a new project that I started back in the spring.  It is a vertical garden of sedums. It is part vertical garden and part garden art.  It seems to be doing well with the heat and drought.  I still need to add more sedum cuttings till the planter boxes are full. 
 My window boxes are doing very well this year.  I wish I could keep the birds from using the liner as nesting material.

My trial plants from Proven Winners have all been blooming and doing very well.  The Supertunias in the picture are 'Watermelon Charm' and 'Lemon Slice'. 'Lemon Slice' will be available in 2013.
My Japanese maple leaves were fried this year.  Due to a lighting strike that killed a tree and high temperatures, my shade garden became a sun garden.  The tree is still alive and will be back to normal next year.
The container gardens continue to survive the weather.  I have started moving all the containers to one location that is shady to preserve the planting till the weather improves.

The hibiscus, both tropical and hardy are coming into bloom along with the panicle hydrangeas.  At least the garden will have a few fresh flowers.

I am working on a new miniature garden for the yard.  It will contain miniature trees, flowers and shrubs.  It also have been building a fairy house for the garden from an old stump.  The garden contains a small pond with two waterfalls and a stream bed.  The entire garden will be covered in moss.  I will  be adding a post on the construction of this garden.  Check back for future photos.  That is about all for this Garden Blogger's Bloom Day.  I hope your garden is growing well and if you are in a drought, like I am, just remember rain will come and there is always next year.

Happy Gardening!