
Hosta of the Year for 2012

It may only be July of 2011, but it is time to look forward to what is going to be new in 2012 in the hosta world. The American Hosta Growers Association had four hostas in the running for the "Hosta of the Year". The hostas were H. 'Guardian Angel', H. 'Rainforest Sunrise', H. 'Touch of Class' and H. 'Liberty'. And the winner for 2012 and one that is already growing in my garden is H. 'Liberty'. If you do not have this one in your garden, I would strongly suggest it. It is a beautiful sport of H. 'Sagae'. H. 'Liberty' grows as a vase shaped mound, with a blue green center and a 2 to 2 1/2 inch margin that changes from yellow to creamy white. It is a tetraploid with pale lavender flowers that bloom from late July to August. It has become a favorite in many gardens.

H. 'Liberty'

If you are looking for a new hosta to add to your garden, give H. 'Liberty' a try.

Happy Gardening!

The Creative Gardener