Several years ago, I started adding plants with dark colored leaves to the garden. One plant that I added was Sambucus nigra "Black Lace". This plant was developed from the Elderberry plant. It has a beautiful finely cut leaf that reminds you of a Japanese Maple. The leaf color is dark purple to a near black. It grows in zones 4 to 8 and prefers sun to part shade. I grow mine in the sun for the best color. It needs plenty of space to grow to reach it's full size of 6 to 8 feet. In the late spring it produces a light pink colored flower. I added this plant to my garden 5 years ago and since then, I have added three more for the great color that they provide to the garden. I grow my "Black Lace" mixed into my perennial borders. They look wonderful with roses, day lilies and other flowering perennials. Sambucus nigra is a very easy to grow plant that gives a lot of color to the garden and works well at showing off the colors of all your other flowers in the garden as well.