
More Success in Propagation

Last night I potted up a few more successfully propagated plants. While none of the cuttings were difficult by any means, I'm always pleased when I have a few more viable plants to add to the garden. The plants still need a little more time to develop their root systems, but they were ready to move into soil from the sand. In this batch of cuttings I have 2 hydrangeas (Hydrangea macrophylla), a red flowering honeysuckle (Lonicera sempervirens), two 'Purple Homestead' verbenas, and three white candytufts (Iberis). The candytufts didn't have any roots yet so I'll left them in the sand to root a while longer. A caterpillar got to them early and removed all the leaves so they may not make it at all.

Here is the root system of one of the hydrangeas. It's diameter is somewhere between a quarter and a half dollar in size. The sand clumped around it makes the roots a little hard to see. I don't take the chance of disturbing the roots too much by knocking the sand off. I just plant them like they are.

Here's the root system of the 'Purple Homestead' verbena. Verbenas of all kinds root very easily!

The honeysuckle was my indicator that the roots were formed. In the picture you can see a leaf bud forming. New growth is generally, but not always, a sign that roots gave grown. The mother plant for this honeysuckle grows at my parents house. When working with a nearly empty landscape (like our property was when we bought it) it sure helps to have people nearby willing to give you plants or cuttings!

After I pried the honeysuckle cutting up from the sand with a fork I found this root system. As you can see it's about two glove fingers wide. I don't think that's an official measurement of any kind but if we use feet to measure stuff in the U.S. why not fingers? Just be glad I didn't use my toes!

Here are the five new plants in their temporary homes. I'll grow the hydrangeas in pots, well away from bunny rabbits, until they need transplanted. I need to find a spot for the honeysuckle an arbor might make a good home. One of the verbenas needs to be planted next to the mailbox to replace the one that died but I haven't decided where the second cutting will go. Maybe I should start a verbena garden on our slope...not a bad idea!