Into the Garden!
The Red
The red stems of a 'Palace Purple' heuchera in our corner shade garden. They almost look like fireworks!
A red flowering annual verbena.
The red foliage of coleus.
A red zinnia. Zinnias are very easy plants to care for in the garden. If they wilt give them water. If they go to seed deadhead them. I didn't buy any zinnias this year since I saved the seed from last year's bunch.
The White
A white caladium. Caladiums are annuals here in Tennessee. I wish they could overwinter better, but you can dig up the bulbs and save them for the following spring. I didn't do that last year and just bought new ones. (They were discount plants.) They are great foliage plants and look stunning with variegated hostas and heucheras, at least I think so!
A white impatien. This little flower has seen a little too much of the sun and not quite enough water but it is still flowering white. I had quite a few more but apparently rabbits like impatiens.
The Blue
Unfortunately I don't have much of blue in the garden so you will have to settle for bluish. I've found that true blue isn't here in my garden yet but I'll definitely add some in the future.
Here is one Salvia nemorosa that I propagated this spring. I'm happy with the growth it's shown in just a couple months. I could have shown another more mature salvia but I wanted to show you how quickly the cuttings are coming along. By fall they should look like any other salvia in my garden, just slightly smaller!
This is another kind of blue flower, Nepeta faassenii or 'Walker's Low' Catmint. I really like this plant! Catmint has some pest resistant properties that are quite interesting. Catmint roots very easily from cuttings.
I wish I had more blue in the garden. At least on sunny days I can look up and see those blue skies!
I hope everyone, everywhere has a great July 4th!