
Rejoice with me

Jesus told a parable about a woman who had ten coins and loses one, so she searches until she finds it. "And when she has found it, she calls together her friends and neighbors, saying, 'Rejoice with me, for I have found the coin which I had lost.' " I am calling you together to rejoice with me for I have found the friend which I had lost.

I have been blessed with many friends but I lost Elizabeth. She moved to Denver in 1981 with her husband and was widowed shortly thereafter. Then she dropped off the face of the earth. I searched but could not find her. Last December I found a phone number on the Internet for her older brother who is a poobah in Michigan's state government, but I could not get past his gatekeepers so I left a message.

Then Friday night I got a phone call from her. Between sobs and laughs, I learned that she had sent a note to a non-profit, where she found my name on the list of Board members on their website. I used both my maiden and married name so she wasn't sure if it was me. She was telling her older brother about it and he remembered that someone sent him an email with my phone number on it.

Elizabeth. Such an important part of my life from the time I met her in 1978 until we lost touch 12 years later. She was bigger than life. And expanded my life in so many ways.

These pictures are from the late 70s and early 80s. Here she is in my parent's kitchen. A Georgia peach mixed with Cajun blood.

I don't remember anything about this camping trip, but I know we had a good time. We always did.

I do remember this party though. The food was incredible, including a veal dish that took ten days to prepare. Arvel Bird, a friend who was also a world-class fiddler, played bluegrass in her back yard. Everything she did was just a little over-the-top for this earth girl.

Here she is in my living room after she married Gary.

And this picture was taken in Denver during one of my visits. As strange as this might seem, this was the first step in making dinner for me.

Elizabeth, if you are reading this, I love you.