
Ten Years Ago Today

Ten Years Ago Today
This is part of the story I told my sons for years about this day, ten years ago.

Early Saturday morning, Daddy and I loaded into the Explorer; remember the blue Explorer? We had a two hour drive ahead of us, all the way down to Indy. As we drove, I kept asking Daddy, "What will my first words be to my sons?" You see, most mothers coo over newborns and welcome them into the world. I had to figure out what to say to five year olds. Were you as scared as I was? Sometimes my stomach would hurt and I teased your Daddy that I was having morning sickness and contractions all in the same morning.

The day before was my 25th anniversary at the place I worked then. Daddy took the day off and joined me for the celebration and we went home at noon. Shortly afterwards, Sue called us. Remember Sue? She was your favorite social worker and a wonderful woman. She asked if we wanted to meet Ricky and Ronnie the next day. What? We had not been interviewed by her; we had not heard anything about you for over a month; we only had sketchy background. We knew you were five year old fraternal twins ready to be adopted, but there were many families interested in adopting you. No wonder! We talked to Sue, we talked to your foster parents, and we said YES! YES! YES!

We got there early because we so wanted to meet you. We had to drive around for a while before we went to your foster home. We pulled in, knocked on the door and Helen answered. She is another special woman in your life. How lucky you were to be in her home since you were infants. We walked in and I saw you, but I was still chit-chatting with Helen. I was nervous, I suppose. Both of you were playing with toys in front of the TV across their large family room.

I knelt down and you, Ricky, came running at me full speed ahead. You almost bowled me over! I grabbed you in my arms, stood up, and swung around as you gave me one of your famous hugs. My first words to you? As we hugged, I whispered in your ear, "I love big hugs."

While I was hugging you, precious Ricky, your Daddy was getting to know Ronnie. We switched boys and he came over to you while I walked over to Ronnie.

Ronnie, you were much more reserved. I now know that this is your personality. You observe, you think, and then you act. So I sat on the couch and you sat on the footstool looking at me. Then you smiled. My first words to you? I leaned forward and gently touched your dimples, "You have dimples just like Steve." This pleased you a lot and you broke into your beautiful grin.

We brought you a gift. A book for each of you, inscribed with your name, the date and "Love, Mommy and Daddy." It was a book of Bible stories and you learned every story and, Ricky, it was the book that you learned to read first. You absorbed those stories and amazed your Sunday School teachers with your knowledge.

We went to a nearby park and played. Daddy and Ricky played catch while Mommy played catch Ronnie as you dashed from swing, to slide, to fort. You were everywhere. And you were so happy playing. The sun was shining, the sky was blue and the temperature mild. It was a golden day in every way.

Then we went to find some food in the small town outside of Indy where you lived. Ronnie, you directed us right to a pizza place. Later I learned that you had never been there! That was our first experience, Ricky, of trying to encourage you to eat. You were more than a picky eater; you just wouldn't eat anything. Your foster mother had told us about it and we learned she wasn't exaggerating. On the way out, we let you play a basketball video game. You randomly hit the controls and squealed with joy.

We took you back to your foster home and arranged to have you spend Monday night with us in your forever home. It was hard saying goodbye but I knew I would hold you again in a few days. And that's another story.