
Three Favorite July Flowers

It's always nice to have a few flowers that are so extremely reliable that you can count on them even during the most awkward periods of weather.  Recently it's been raining which has been helping us recover from our drought but these flowers were doing great in the drought conditions.  Let's take a look!

Orange cosmos is always a standout.  I haven't planted it in a while.  Cosmos is a prolific self sower, but not to the extreme that the beautiful orange flower can't be controlled.  It's a great flower for attracting beneficial insects!

'Black and Blue' salvia gets fairly large and spreads by its roots but will always have a place in my garden.  I've always been a big fan of salvia in general (see my posts Salvias of Fall or How Much Salvia is Enough?) but Black and Blue stands out to me with its dark stems and blue flowers. 

The bees like it too!  'Black and Blue' salvia is also a favorite of the hummingbirds. I can't count how many times I've been in the garden near this salvia and been buzzed by hummingbirds zipping by!

I just added 'Primadonna White' coneflower to the garden last week.  Echinaceas are another one of my favorite flowers because of their low maintenance.  They need deadheaded in the midseason to produce another flush of blooms but other than that are simple to grow.  I leave the seed heads on the plants at the end of the season to feed the birds.  The finches love them! (Echinacea suffers from Aster Yellows Disease on occasion, I'll have a post on that coming soon.)

I'm a day late but for more great blooms visit Carol at May Dreams Gardens for Bloomsday!