
A Day in the Garden with My Daughter

The other day while my youngest daughter was taking her morning nap my other daughter and I went out to play in the garden. It was a nice August day, very atypical as it was comfortably in the 80's. Our first stop was down to her garden. It was full of the zinnias and sunflowers that we planted several weeks ago. It's been a carefree children's garden, perfect for an almost 3 year old. She just watches it grow with no weeding and very little watering. There are plenty of weeds but the flowers stand tall above them. We can see her garden from the dinner table. This tall sunflower towers above the zinnias. Isn't it fun to look at? The head is now weighted down with its seed development but you can see how it looked when we were out.

There are very few yellow zinnias in the garden but that makes those that are there all the more striking.

What little kid doesn't stop to smell a flower? She did tell me afterward that there was no smell. Zinnias are not known for adding scents to the garden!

While attempting to get her to pose for the camera something she spied something else with her little blue eyes, probably one of many fluttering butterflies bouncing around the zinnias.

She even helped me to transplant the cuttings that had rooted the other day. It was her job to fill the pots and water after the cuttings were planted. She had help but she's off to a good start!