
A Meeting of Tennessee Garden Bloggers

Tuesday evening several of us Tennessee garden bloggers got together to meet. For some of us, including myself, it was the first time seeing the bloggers behind the screen. Our conversations ranged from garden topics, blogging topics, to air traffic control. So who was there? Who are the faces behind the blogs?

Gail from Clay and Limestone is on the left and Frances (our surprise guest) of Faire Garden is on the right. No that's not Gail's baby, she's holding my almost 9 month old daughter.

Here is a shot of DP of Square Foot gardening in Nashville looking intently into the conversation.

Here is Tina of In the Garden, the instigator of the meeting!

Have you ever met Mother Nature? She walked into the restaurant and and had dinner with us!

Here's Frances again with my wife and daughter, who was bouncing around. Tina brought these very nice garden plaques for each of us. I had a good time and hope to meet with you all again. I also want to thank Gail, Frances, and Tina for the plants!

The Thrifty Garden Tips will continue next Thursday. I was unable to get the post finished since I spent most of my day working on the patio. The end of that project is in sight!