
A Visit to Topiary Park

Recently I had the chance to visit a very unusual garden in Columbus, Ohio. The garden is a topiary garden that is located in the downtown area. "Topiary Park" is a seven-acre park that is known for its topiary interpretation of Georges Seurat's famous Post-Impressionist painting of "A Sunday Afternoon on the Isle of La Grand Jatte". In the photo above, you can see what the art work looks like. Now look at the next photo below and see the art come alive in topiary.

All the topiary forms are planted with yews (Taxus). The yews are trained to metal tube frames then trimmed to form the complete shape.

If you look carefully, you can see the frame work that supports the topiary.

Do you see a man sitting in a boat?

Do you see the gardener planting a plant in the pot?

Do you see the women, small child and the pet sitting on their laps?

I really enjoyed my visit to this garden. If you have the opportunity to visit Ohio, you might want to go to Columbus and visit Topiary Park. The park is free to visit and is open from dusk to dawn with plenty of parking on the street. The Topiary Park was dedicated in 1992 in what was the Old Deaf School Park.

Happy Gardening!

The Creative Gardener

If you love roses, check back for my next post on a visit to "The Park of Roses".