
August Garden: My Things To Do

I'm a little late on this list since we're already over a week into August but over weekend I've come up with a list of things that I need to accomplish in the garden this month. As is very easy to do the garden has gotten away from me and with the start of football season coming soon it's time for a garden blitz!

  1. Weed all the gardens and rediscover my lost plants!  The other day while weeding in the corner shade garden I almost pulled up a young hydrangea by mistake. I could have kicked myself (I'm not sure how that is physically possible) for not being more careful but that is one of the hazards of letting things go so wild. Be careful that you don't do the same but I guarantee that one day you'll pull something out of the garden you didn't want removed!
  2. Mulch.  Some garden areas are cleaned up enough to put down a good layer of mulch for fall, yes I said fall. It's coming faster than you think. Fall is one of my favorite times of the year, I just wish it lasted all the way to my other favorite time of the year - spring! Be on the lookout for the Fall Color Project which is my yearly tribute to the Autumn changes. Bloggers get ready to join in!  I bought 6 bales of pine straw for our side border garden that I hope to put down very soon. I use the newspaper mulch method to help keep the weeds down.
  3. Prune.  My dappled willows are getting a out of control and need trimmed back a little. I'm planning on using the cuttings to make more dappled willows.  I also have a sycamore tree and a birch tree that need limbed up. Too many low branches block usable garden areas.
  4. Garden Shed projects. I have some ideas for a potting bench setup. I also need to get some painting done. I have a more extensive list on the garden shed page.
  5. Clean up the vegetable garden! I need to clean out some areas for fall planting. It's that time of year! I'll be starting my seeds indoors for lettuce, spinach, and a few others. Most fall vegetables seem to enjoy temperatures closer to the low 70's for germination and our 90 degree August days are far away from that!  I'll have to harden them off to the heat but I'll have a better germination rate than direct sowing outdoors.
  6. Prep for my daughter's 6th birthday party!  Time flies.  Time to get the yard cleaned up for crowd of cake hungry little first graders - also time to make sure we have plenty of ibuprofen!

My Daughter Going To School 2011
My Daughter in 2008

If you commented on the 'Tigger' Melon post for seeds last week please read my comment!