
Garden Blogger Posts of the Week!

I thought I would do something a little different for this Sunday and highlight a couple Garden Blogger posts this week that I thought were either very interesting, had very cool photos, showed me something new, or took me somewhere fantastic! I hope you'll pay a visit to the bloggers listed below and see what I found to be very interesting posts.

Garden Blogger Posts of the Week!

Jodi on Friday at Bloomingwriter in her post showed a very interesting place called Cape Split. The scenery and pictures are nothing short of breathtaking with giant rocks jutting out from the bay to form craggy islands some of which are only accessible by those who are lucky enough to have wings. 

Carol's post at Flower Hill Farm was very interesting. Titled A Royal Beginning it highlights the early stages of development in the life of everyone's favorite butterfly - the Monarch! If you're curious about what the egg or caterpillar of the monarch butterfly looks like she has some very nice close-up pictures. The prefect thing if you are trying to identify one!

Please go pay a visit to those two blogs and see what you think! If you missed anything this week on The Home Garden here's a quick wrap up.

This week began with a look at the blooms in the garden for Garden Blogger's Bloom Day. With the awful weather we were having it is a wonder anything was blooming. Fortunately the rains have returned, but unfortunately in the form of thunderstorms and flash floods. You just can't have everything! I also managed to use up all my free Craigslist bricks in the Garden Shed for the floor. I'm still searching for more bricks as I can to finish it out. Melons and peppers are showing up in the vegetable garden. The peppers have been good but I'm still waiting on the first ripe melon!

My fellow plant propagation nuts might enjoy the post on propagating a Shasta viburnum. One of the most beautiful shrubs of spring! If you like pictures better than propagation posts (really how could you?) there were a few garden pictures in Friday's post that might be worth a look. As always beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  And since everyone likes free stuff why not enter the EcoSMART giveaway?

I hope you're having a great weekend! I'll get to show you my latest project this week so stay tuned!

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