Let's take a quick look around!
We'll start with the coleus I grew from seed. You can really get some impressive looking plants in a short time when you grow coleus from seed. The mixed seed had several variations in foliage from nice red leaves with green edges to speckled green foliage. This fall I'll allow them to go to seed then separate out the variations I like. Next year I'll have more control over my seedling color shape and size. For your reference the large leaves are as large as my hand.
Coneflowers are simply awesome perennials. Native to North America, beautiful, great food for birds and butterflies, what's not to like? They like well drained soil but can handle a wide range of soil qualities. I've had issues with aster yellows this year in my coneflowers but I think I've gotten a handle on it. I've removed every infected plant as I've seen them. It's painful but necessary.
This coneflower is a hybrid Tennessee coneflower (Echinacea tennesseensis). I got it through a plant swap a couple years ago.
A wild pink morning glory needs no care or maintenance! This one was spotted on a slope next to a garden pathway. One of these days I'll cultivate the area better. I say those words often "one of these days..."
I was excited to see a bloom on our purple sweet potato vine. Unfortunately some bugs were also sighted nearby munching on a second flower.
One of the first year blooming stars of the garden this year is the Blackberry lily. I love how the petals twist as the flower fades and the seed pod grows. There will be quite a lot of seed coming soon. I can't wait to collect the seed and grow some new plants next year!
There's a little of the garden. What's the star performer in your garden this year?