The birds love the these berries! It's rare that the berries last more than a week or two as they quickly get gobbled up by the hungry mockingbirds. This viburnum is a native and provides a valuable food source for wildlife.
I've written about viburnums several times before so I won't go into great detail about them but I will mention that they are fairly easy to propagate either from seed, cuttings or division. Viburnum dentatum suckers quite a bit and can get large (ours has a 8 foot diameter and stands about 6.5 to 7 feet tall at the moment - its still growing!). If you want more viburnums without too much trouble dig around the base of the viburnum on a day when the soil is moist and carefully remove a sucker. That sucker will quickly become a blue berry producing food source for your friendly neighborhood flocks!
For another viburnum to plant in your garden try a 'Shasta' Doublefile Viburnum!