
Add History to Your Garden

Have you ever wanted something unusual for your garden or something that would really get people's attention? How about adding a historical tree to your garden. Think how you would impress your garden visitors with a Red Bud tree from George Washington's River Farms or an Elvis Presley Southern Magnolia from Graceland. How many people can say that their Sycamore tree has been to the moon. How about having a seedling tree from the "Angel Live Oak" that is believed to be over 1,400 years old growing in your garden. Imagine a Japanese Cherry tree in full bloom in your garden that is an offspring from the cherry trees in Washington D.C. What could be more fun than spending time with your children or grandchildren planting a Johnny Appleseed apple tree in your garden. What a great way to connect our past, present and future by planting a historical tree.

American Forests Historic Tree Program provides tree seedling offspring from trees connected to famous people, places or historical events. The trees are grown from seeds, cuttings or buds from the original historical trees.

For more information on adding a historical tree to your garden, check out the Educational Gardening Links on Garden Thyme with the Creative Gardener for "American Forests Historic Tree Program".

Happy Gardening and make some history in your garden!

The Creative Gardener