
More Patio Progress

This past week I have been diligently and furiously working on the big patio project. Everyday through the past month there has been a little progress but never more than this week. Maybe it's just because I can see the project almost complete. Or maybe it's because I've worked myself to death while trying to bring this patio project to a close. (Obviously that's just a figure of speech or else I wouldn't be typing this!) Whatever the case is I'm very excited with how the patio is shaping up.

Here's the short list of the week's accomplishments.
  1. Completed the patio to deck bridge/landing/step. I'm not sure what to officially call it and I do have one more piece to fit into it but the landing is safe, sound and usable as it stands right now.
  2. Installed the latticework around the deck. Finally! That's only been on the to-do list for a year!
  3. Installed a landscape timber raised bed around the deck. I still need to fill, mulch and plant the beds. Of course the planting is the fun part! Or maybe it's visiting the nursery to get the plants...hmm.
  4. Filled in the semi-oval shaped garden bed on the western side of the patio.
  5. I planted some things into the western oval-shaped garden bed. I officially dub thee The Japanese Maple Garden. (insert trumpet fanfare here!)
I'll go into greater detail about these projects (with pictures) this week so stay tuned!