
The First Colors of Fall - The Fall Color Project 2010

Maybe it hasn't quite reached you yet. Maybe the temperatures are still hanging in the 90's like they are here in Tennessee and the only leaf drop is due to dryness, but let me assure you fall is here! I have evidence, and it exists within the blogs below. Journey with me to see the first colors of fall as the Fall Color Project begins for 2010. While we watch the colors gradually transform across the countryside into a painters portrait

Mr. McGregor's Daughter had the first entry into the Fall Color Project for 2010! Originally posted last Friday her post highlights some of the early changes happening in her garden! Do you like Oak Leaf Hydrangeas? How about dogwoods? You've come to the right place!

At an Obsessive Neurotic Gardener's blog you will find more of fall's beginning color transformation. Goldenrod, itea, and 'Prairie Fire' crabapple are some of the highlights that will help get you in the mood for more autumn. And that 'Matrona' sedum isn't half bad either!

One of the plants that struck me for outstanding fall color last year was the grape. Plantaliscious shows us some photos of her grape vines changing. Although I have to admit I'm more envious of the fruit that she gets to pick than the fall colors at the moment! Pay a visit to this new gardener!

Thank you for stopping by to visit for today's Fall Color Project participants! Please stop by and say something on each of their posts to thank them for sharing their autumn with us. I hope you'll join us in sharing fall as it happens in your neck of the woods! For details read up at: The Fall Color Project 2010.