
The September Arbor

Arbor and Moonflower
One thing I really like about garden structures: no matter how much rain, how hot, or how dry they always look good! Fortunately our arbor also has the added benefit of a nice annual vine plant (moonflower) wrapping around it.

Here is the arbor from the side yard looking toward the front yard. The homemade stepping stones are cured, solid, and very walkable now. Please ignore the cinder block on the left - it's leftover from installing a rain barrel I recently purchased. I've been meaning to tell you about it but haven't yet but I'm very pleased with its performance so far (It's this one from Fiskars)! The plantings on the left are coleus, iris, a Japanese maple (which is just outside of the picture) and a crape myrtle. A few hostas are also mixed into the garden. On the right is the self-sowing garden which has become covered with celosia. At least two different forms of celosia have hybridized to make some very interesting shapes and colors! It's definitely time to begin harvesting the seeds!

Here is the arbor from the front and to the left side. On the right you can see a globe basil I planted of which I've really become a fan. It's edible of course but has a really nice rounded shape and it might be the perfect plant to add to a knot herb garden. Next to it is a little Dusty Miller that I planted last fall. I'm really amazed that it has lasted this long. On the left side is the celosia from above and a snakeroot that is showing off its white cloud of blooms. I'll need to cut it down soon to prevent it from reseeding heavily but it's a nice accent in the garden.

What kinds of garden structures do you have in your garden?