
Wildflower Wednesday in September

Each month on the last Wednesday Gail at Clay and Limestone hosts Wildflower Wednesday where bloggers can display and share their wildflower photos.  Here's a little bit of the wildness that is my garden!

Is there a wildflower more associated with fall than goldenrod?

Scarlet sage (Salvia coccinea) is a self sowing annual here in my garden. Its beautiful scarlet red flowers are an awesome treat for hummingbirds who are sampling all they can of my garden before they journey south.

This seed sown offspring of an 'Oranges and Lemons' gaillardia is one of my favorite flowers. It doesn't stop blooming all season.  The gaillardia's red and yellow coloring is an attraction for all kinds of pollinators including those little metallic colored bees hanging out in the photo!

While it isn't really flowering at the moment the purple berries of this beautyberry surely are worth a mention!  It flowers in the late spring and summer with tons of little white blooms which produce the copious clusters of purple berries all over its branches.  

Thanks for visiting The Home Garden!

Join the 2011 Fall Color Project and share the brilliance of Autumn!