
Fall Weekend Chores and Projects

I've been lax on the lists lately. There are always things that need done and projects that need tackled and this weekend is no exception. Here's a quick list of the fall chores and projects that I hope to start and maybe even complete this weekend!

  • Attend the Spring Hill Country Ham Festival - This festival benefits the Tennessee Children's Home and only costs $10 for a carload of visitors. I thought it might be fun to attend for a little while in the morning and a great place to find some BBQ for lunch!
  • Pick-up materials to build a wooden swing set for the kids.
  • Build as much of the swing-set as possible over the weekend. This may take a couple weekends to actually complete along with some intermittent work sessions during the week. I really want this up quick so they can enjoy this nice fall weather we're experiencing! (Boy am I loving it!)
  • Overseed the lawn with more grass seed. This is the only type of lawn maintenance other than mowing that I do. Every fall I overseed with a different variety of fescue. This combined with mowing high and only when needed has given me a pretty decent cool season lawn. It's not weed free by any means; during the warm season the crabgrass invades but I can live with that. I don't use any pre-emergent herbicides as I like to keep the clover and some of the weeds for pollinators. I truly believe that lawns can be very eco-friendly if managed correctly and with a tolerance for that which you can't control!
  • Dig a little more of the greenhouse foundation area out. So far it's slow going but now that my wheelbarrow is repaired I can get to it. 

The over-seeding needs to be completed by Sunday since more rains will be on their way next week and I don't want to water the lawn myself. Hopefully I can get through this list but its pretty ambitious. We'll see!

UPDATE 10-3-2009:

The Spring Hill Ham Festival couldn't have been held on a more perfect day. The sun was shining, the temperatures were comfortable, and the BBQ was delicious! My oldest daughter enjoyed watching the Irish dancers dance, riding on a train, and playing in the kids area on the inflatables. While there we purchased a couple things including a large jar of local Sourwood Honey and a pot of parsley.

We spent a little longer at the festival than we planned and so I never started on the swing set but I did get the materials so that I can tackle that project tomorrow!

Friday night I managed to dig another 4'x8' area out for the foundation of the greenhouse. Slow and steady wins the race...right?