
Patio Tour Continued: Next to the House

Today I'm back to talking about the patio. I've been adding the finishing touches to the area just in time for cold weather! We'll still be able to use it since cold weather in Tennessee tends to be tolerable weather. (I still use the grill even in the wintertime) Please ignore the overflowing trashcan in the background but do pay attention to the planting bed I built earlier in the summer next to the garage. I never got around to blogging about it but here it is. It is a two bed system made of landscape timbers. The top bed is filled with gravel and used as a spot for the trash can and the other bed is for plants. An arborvitae that we brought back from my brother-in-law's wedding is now serving as a screen. Once it fills out we won't see the trash can at all, or at least that is my goal.

Next to the house is our potting bench. I put it together using scrap lumber and an old wooden pallet. I have a few adjustments to do on the potting bench that I'll blog about later. Between the house and the patio we put a decorative gravel mixed with a couple larger natural stones. This area was a haven for weeds before I cleaned it out. I layered the area with landscape fabric then covered with the stone. The gutter was redirected into a corrugated pipe that goes underneath the deck and out into the yard. My goal was to make the area low maintenance and keep the water away from the foundation. I think that it is actually much better than it was before! Of course I might be a little prejudiced.