
The Garden Blogger Fall Color Project

Fall colors are certainly on their way. Here in Tennessee the trees are beginning the process but many people are worried that the colors will not be what they could be without the rain. Whatever the case we will be happy with whatever colors we do have and will enjoy watching all the colors around the continent as the color show moves south. I'd like to invite all bloggers to participate! Just click on the picture at the bottom for more information.

Let the Fall Color Show begin!

Our first entry into the Garden Blogger Fall Color Project comes to us from the great state of Maine. Dawn, who writes with Tina and Skeeter at In the Garden, is showing us some fantastic fall color scenes around her area. She takes us through pictures from the foothills near her home to Keoka Lake and Bear Mountain Pond. She even sneaks in some pictures of wild turkeys, they better find a good hiding spot before November! Of all the great pictures Dawn took my favorites are the one on the left here of the cresting water of the Crooked River and the mountain behind Moose Pond. There's just something about water, mountains, and fall colors that is hard to resist!