
The Greenhouse Project: Beginning the Framing

Another day is done for the greenhouse-shed project and a little bit more has been accomplished. It's moving along at a good pace; not too fast or hurried but careful and methodical. Yesterday we finished setting the posts and today we ended construction by putting up most of the framing for the first large picture window.

Before the window framing we did quite a few other labor intensive tasks.

  • We cut and fitted 4"x6" timbers around the base to hold the posts together and hold the flooring (gravel) inside. 4"x6"s are very heavy and it was quite a chore to set them level them and screw them into the posts.
  • After getting the 4"x6" lumber into place we went around the base and added metal plates to join the posts together with the 4"x6"s. Every post received two plates one on the front and the other on the back.
  • The last job of the day was to actually frame up a window. We debated for a few minutes on what to do and eventually came to a suitable conclusion. (Prior to construction I came up with a design plan for the greenhouse but after a consultation with a structural engineer (and father-in-law ;)) I made a few changes to improve the stability of the structure. Those changes required a few adaptations for my shed-greenhouse plan.) Beneath the window we built a structure to hold the picture frame window. It's solid, very solid. We connected 4 inch 2"x4" pieces between two 2"x4"s and set them at 12 inches apart which made a very solid 7" tall base for the window.

Tomorrow I hope to get the wall framing accomplished. I'm also concerned that my work week might be ended too soon by the falling rain. Maybe the weather forecasters are wrong, it wouldn't be the first time!