
The Greenhouse Project: Shaping Up

The greenhouse shed project is coming along nicely. As I've mentioned before I'm not rushing things along but striving to do things as perfectly as possible. I'm very pleased with the results so far. Side to side and front to back, the greenhouse is almost exactly the same measurement. The greatest difference is about 1/4" between the longest sides. I figured that's about as close as I could manage!

I missed updating you on Friday so this post will cover everything we accomplished between Friday and Sunday. Consider it a weekend update!

Tasks completed:

  • Framing the windows.
  • Framing the patio doors openings.
  • Attached the headers.
  • Attached crossbeams
  • Attached brackets for roof rafters.

The above picture is taken from the long side with the big windows. I was taking the picture of the bracket we'll use to hang the rafters but I really like the picture for the golden glow of the tulip poplar tree in the background. Fall color will soon be peaking here in Tennessee.

This picture is taken from the back of the greenhouse shed looking toward the house. The large opening framed here is the backdoor where the mowers will be brought in and out through during the mowing season.

What's next for the Greenhouse Shed?

  • Raise the roof!
  • Panel the sides
  • Add crushed gravel
  • and more crushed gravel
  • stick in the windows
  • stick in the doors
  • add the siding
  • insulate and caulk

That's the short list!

Previous Greenhouse Posts: