
Fall Comes to Sycamore Gardens

It is that time of the year when the garden is slowly going to sleep for winter. Surprisingly for being November the garden is still showing lots of color and has many flowers still blooming. This is one of my favorite seasons in the garden because I now get to work in my garden. Yes, I am one of those few gardeners who gardens in the winter. With my garden maintenance business, I don't have much time to work on my own garden. I do add new plants during the growing season to establish them for winter, but most of the time the beds are not completed till late fall and into spring. I use this time in the garden for pruning, cleaning up leaves, adding hardscape and cleaning up the beds. I know that when March rolls around my garden becomes low on the list for work. My projects for this winter are adding more rocks around the flower beds, moving an arbor to a different garden, adding a new bird house on a post, and building the structure for the living wall that will be planted in the spring with sedums. I also have my hosta seeds planted and they are just starting to germinate. I will continue growing them inside the house under lights till spring when they will be moved to the garden. I am also propagating sedums for the living wall. You can see that my fall and winter will be busy with gardening. I took a walk in the garden and snapped what will be the last of the pictures of the garden for the year. We are expecting the killing frost at anytime. Hope you enjoy the photos!

Dogwood Tree

The Fairies in the Woodland Garden

Lots of mums blooming in the garden

'Sweet Autumn' Clematis seeds

The wonderful fall colors of 'Witch Hazel'

Happy gardening and have a wonderful fall!
The Creative Gardener