
November Blooms (Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day)

Being mid-November there isn't much to show for blooms. We've had several light frosts and a couple hard freezes which for the most part silences the perennials and annuals that worked so hard for us during the growing season. But there is always something worth looking at in the garden!

Like these pansies in the front garden.

The salvia by the garden shed.

The yarrow (Achillea) by the patio which seems to always be in bloom.

The 'Oranges and Lemons' Gaillardia which surely won't be blooming much longer! A little sad looking this morning don't you think?

Thanks for stopping by and commenting! Join Carol for more November Blooms!

I went back and looked at what was blooming last year at this time and it's amazing to see how consistent plants can be!