
The Colors are Still Turning! (Fall Color Project 2010)

This year's wacky weather has given way to quite a lot of speculation about when the actual peak time for the leaves is. I've noticed that this year hasn't really had a peak color moment. The normal sequential leaf change has been extremely erratic and some plants still haven't begun to change while others no longer even have leaves. Fortunately not everyone has the same issue and we can enjoy the autumn sights brought to us by other bloggers!

Janet at Plantalicous is Celebrating Autumn for another Fall Color Project Post! (Anyone is welcome to do multiple posts - especially if you can't fit all that gorgeous foliage into one!) Ornamental grass tassels, coneflower seed heads, and many other fall features add color and interest the garden this time of year.

Gail's post at Clay and Limestone is a great one for who everyone who enjoys gold! And who doesn't this time of year? Shagbark hickory, witch hazel, and of course good old Rusty! Rusty is a little more orange than gold but definitely has awesome fall color!

Jan's put together a perfect post for the fall at Thanks for Today! All the things you think of when imagining the perfect fall scene are there. Wildlife in the form of herons and geese, water with fall colors reflected upon its surface, and picturesque farm house landscapes really set the perfect autumn mood!

More rustic barns and lake scenes await you over at Growing Goodness! Pictures of the backroads remind me of when I was a kid in Pennsylvania riding the bus home in the fall. The view of her property with the cutting garden would be the envy of many a gardener!

Shady Gardener took a different approach when it came to her Fall Color Project post. She showed a sequence of fall as it progressed through her neighborhood! The orange colored maples appear to be on fire. Her words "breathtaking" and "gorgeous" definitely ring true!

Perhaps the number one tree for fall color is pictured in Prairie Rose's Fall Color Project post - maple! Ash, sumac, and brightly colored crabapples also add color to her post. I'm extremely envious of the free pine needle mulch she has available. I would love to have a few of her pine trees in my landscape!

VP's second Fall Color Post this year shows us what thoughtful landscape planning can do around roadways! The colorful trees in the fall make roundabouts and roadways into welcoming locations. Let's just hope that the beauty of these trees doesn't distract drivers too much!