
Fall Color Project 2010 Wrap Up!

Do you want to know where you can find tons of awesome photos of amazing fall color? Right here in these posts listed below! Over the last couple months we've been treated to fall color all over the northern hemisphere courtesy of bloggers all over the world. In many places the weather of 2010 was very difficult for folks to deal with but the Fall Color Project Bloggers managed to find fantastic foliage everywhere. I hope over the next couple months while you are wistfully dreaming of sprouting crocuses and daffodils that you will take a look back at the fall colors in these 37 posts and remember the days when the trees were adorned in fiery reds, oranges, and golds.

Thank you to everyone who joined in the Fall Color Project 2010!

Week 1

Mr. McGregor's Daughter had the first entry into the Fall Color Project for 2010! Originally posted last Friday her post highlights some of the early changes happening in her garden! Do you like Oak Leaf Hydrangeas? How about dogwoods? You've come to the right place!

At an Obsessive Neurotic Gardener's blog you will find more of fall's beginning color transformation. Goldenrod, itea, and 'Prairie Fire' crabapple are some of the highlights that will help get you in the mood for more autumn. And that 'Matrona' sedum isn't half bad either!

One of the plants that struck me for outstanding fall color last year was the grape. Plantaliscious shows us some photos of her grape vines changing. Although I have to admit I'm more envious of the fruit that she gets to pick than the fall colors at the moment! Pay a visit to this new gardener!

Week 2

Joy over at Garden4Joy has some very nice colour in the trees near her home. Maples, one of my personal favorite trees, are bursting in the colors of flame - red, orange, and yellow - which is one reason they are one of my favorites! The photos of fall colour that she took over the waters on her way to Kingston epitomize the beauty of fall!

Last year Janet took a trip to Westonbirt arboretum and came home with some fantastic pictures. Guess what? She did it again this year too! The picture you just have to see is the Japanese Maple. It's form and shape combined with the color of Autumn make it a masterpiece maple.

Back in Pennsylvania garden author and blogger Nancy Ondra saw her region suffer from a similar summer to the one down here - too hot and too dry. Despite the challenges of the summer of 2010 she was still able to capture some great images of autumn. Another one of my garden favorites is in her picture to the left here. Do you know it? If not hope on over to Gardening Gone Wild and find out!

Week 3

Last Friday an Obsessive Neurotic Gardener (aren't we all? ;)) put up a post with some beautiful scenery. Could pictures of fall that include covered bridges and red barns not be perfect for the season? The colors up in New Jersey are beginning to show!

Tina at In the Garden joined the project with a post that included oak leaf hydrangeas, hickory trees, and berries! Sometimes people focus on the foliage and forget about the other colors of fall in the berries and drupes.

Back up in the Northeast again we can visit Nyack Backyard with a post that offers a lot more color fun! JGH's post is very handy for anyone who lives in the area and wants to go leaf gawking. Suggested leaf viewing locations are linked to within the post - very handy info!

Fall in Kentucky is experiencing the same sort of drought those of us here in Tennessee have been dealing with in 2010. Despite the drought you should see the blazing maples Shawn Ann has! Fiery red colors in the trees lead to a lot of fun for a little one on the ground!

Poetry and pictures await you at Nancy's blog, Leaping Greenly! THere she has shining reds and golds mixed with a bit of Emily Dickenson. That's a pretty good combination!

Week 4

Charlotte told me about her Fall Color Project post last Friday with some very rich and colorful fall favorites. In fact the plants she has pictured are some of my personal favorites! Japanese maples and pyracantha are two of the highlights and the color is nothing short of amazing!

TC the Write Gardener is showing us the power of technology! Specifically the power of his iPhone to bring fall colors to the rest of the world. With phones and cameras integrated together no longer is there any excuse to not photograph the best fall color nearby! TC shows that you had better have your camera at the ready for those fall photos!

VP's Fall Color Post shows us the beauty of fall that can be captured within a single leaf. The veining coloration of this single maple leaf reflects within its own heart the image of the tree it once hung on.

Shirley in Edmonton gives us fall color enmass in her post! She takes us to scenic bridges, to the gardens around the city, and to her own home for some gorgeous fall color.Aspen, oak, maple, buckeye, and all kinds of plants are highlighting Edmonton in fall splendor!

Janet at the Queen of Seaford has done a great job of highlighting each colorful tree near her. For each tree she put together an awesome collage of fall foliage. Dogwoods, sassafras, and other fall favorites are brightening up the South Carolina landscape!

Week 5

Janet at Plantalicous is Celebrating Autumn for another Fall Color Project Post! (Anyone is welcome to do multiple posts - especially if you can't fit all that gorgeous foliage into one!) Ornamental grass tassels, coneflower seed heads, and many other fall features add color and interest the garden this time of year.

Gail's post at Clay and Limestone is a great one for who everyone who enjoys gold! And who doesn't this time of year? Shagbark hickory, witch hazel, and of course good old Rusty! Rusty is a little more orange than gold but definitely has awesome fall color!

Jan's put together a perfect post for the fall at Thanks for Today! All the things you think of when imagining the perfect fall scene are there. Wildlife in the form of herons and geese, water with fall colors reflected upon its surface, and picturesque farm house landscapes really set the perfect autumn mood!

More rustic barns and lake scenes await you over at Growing Goodness! Pictures of the backroads remind me of when I was a kid in Pennsylvania riding the bus home in the fall. The view of her property with the cutting garden would be the envy of many a gardener!

Shady Gardener took a different approach when it came to her Fall Color Project post. She showed a sequence of fall as it progressed through her neighborhood! The orange colored maples appear to be on fire. Her words "breathtaking" and "gorgeous" definitely ring true!

Perhaps the number one tree for fall color is pictured in Prairie Rose's Fall Color Project post - maple! Ash, sumac, and brightly colored crabapples also add color to her post. I'm extremely envious of the free pine needle mulch she has available. I would love to have a few of her pine trees in my landscape!

VP's second Fall Color Post this year shows us what thoughtful landscape planning can do around roadways! The colorful trees in the fall make roundabouts and roadways into welcoming locations. Let's just hope that the beauty of these trees doesn't distract drivers too much!

Tatyana's post features all kinds of color among a backdrop of evergreens. The tall pines accentuate the blazing color of Japanese maples, big leaf maples, and others! Even the roses get into the game with some beautiful blooms!

Week 6

Frances has a great fall color post filled with autumn associated colors. One of my favorite plants (that I don't have but want) is featured in the first picture - Winterberry Holly! It has great fall and winter interest with all those masses of bright red berries. There's lots to see at France's blog but one of the things she is most known for is the Muhly grass! Just take a look at the last picture to see why!

Phillip's post at Dirt Therapy is a tour of his home garden but may as well have been at a botanical garden. The colors are filling up every corner of his garden. Japanese maples, hydrangeas, dogwoods and all kinds of color can be found down in Alabama!

Skeeter popped back in at In The Garden to show us some of the colors around her Georgia home. One of the most wonderful things about fall is the opportunity to see that 3 dimensional painting that our gardens become and Skeeter's surroundings definitely fit the bill! Stop over to see Skeeter's Georgia colors!

The brilliance of autumn can definitely be seen over at Chris's blog Garden Sense. Red, gold, and orange colors are highlighted among maple, ginkgo, weeping cherry, and ash trees. A stop to Chris's post should be on your fall color tour!

Newsflash - Texas has fall color! Stop on down and visit Tufa girl and see the brightly color trees emerging for autumn in the Lone Star state. Red and gold trees are beginning the fall transformation. There's plenty of green still around so maybe there is more color to come!

Racquel has put together a cool collection of fall color through a collage. One of my favorite trees (yes I have quite a few) is featured there - the sweet gum! It's often maligned because of its seed balls but I think its color in the fall makes up for that. Go take a look at Racquel's Fall Color Collage!

Week 7

This gorgeous carpet of red Japanese maple leaves awaits you over at Plantalicious! Her last hurrah features birches, blueberries, and deciduous magnolias. There is definitely some nice color still to be seen during this Autumn season!

Mark's fall color post points to one of Nature's ironies. I'll let you find that one out for yourself when you visit his blog. Blueberries, cotinus, chestnut and other colorful leaves are featured. Go check out fall in Great Britain!

How about some California fall color? Over at Town Mouse and Country Mouse you'll find some great autumn colors from the California countryside. An old walnut orchard, sycamores, oaks, and other fall colors await you on a cross country walk in California!

Week 8

Ginny starts us off with our fall foliage tour today. Bright red and yellows fill the branches of maples, oaks, and dogwood trees. The words of Abraham Lincoln open her post and set the tone for Thanksgiving week!

Atlanta is beginning to show some signs of fall color which you can see if you visit Pook and Bug! You will envy the beautiful Japanese maples glowing with fall color. Also take a look at the nicely window framed photo of the Japanese maple!

Matt at Passalong Plants put up a post on Friday with some awesome fall photos. The clarity and perspective of each shot are amazing. Although I think the subject in his last photo had better run - it's not a good week for members of his species!

Twolipps posted some wonderful shots of maples, a bald cypress, a tea house and the ponds from Brookside Gardens in Maryland. The first photo of the cypress is probably my favorite but all of the pictures epitomize fall!

Amsonia, little bluestem grass, and of course maples are putting on a show up in Ohio! Kyleeheucherella, oak leaf hydrangea, and a blazing sumac (great plants for fall color!) Go check out what fall color is blazing through Our Little Acre.

Week 9

Today's entry comes from the blog Garden Sense and shares with us the gorgeous colors that fall foliage brings to shrubs. Brilliant barberries, itea, fothergilla, oak leaf hydrangea, chokeberry, and even azaleas fill this post with plenty of autumn wonder.  Go pay a visit to Chris's post if you haven't already and enjoy what could be the last of fall's wondrous foliage!

Week 10

Chris over at Garden Sense has really enjoyed the fall color this year! This week's fall color post is all about the berries. In many ways the berries are even better than the foliage. They last beyond the color change, they create food for the birds, and the brightly colored berries are extremely festive this time of year! Stop over to Chris's blog and check out the hollies, the beatyberry, the chokeberries, and others!  

If by some chance you submitted a post for the Fall Color Project and I've left you out please let me know! I'll work you in! Also if you wrote a fall color post but weren't aware of the Fall Color Project until know then do three things 1) let me know 2) add a link either to this post or the kick off Fall Color Project post in your Fall Color post and (most importantly) 3)Mark this on your calendar for next year!